Monday, May 24, 2010

Jade's Musical & Field Day

Jade had her first musical a few weeks ago called Nuts. In it, the kindergartners were nuts (Jade was an acorn) and first graders were squirrels. I think Jade had a bit of stage fright because her lips did not move much and she had a deer-in-the-headlights look most of the performance. She did know the actions to the songs, though, as she participated in that without any problems. It was really cute.

Jade finished school on Thursday. Wednesday was field day and everyone's families were invited to attend. I remember that being one of my favorite days of the year. I think it will be Jade's too.

Jade's [awesome] teachers: Mrs. Moore & Mrs. Metke

1 comment:

Deme said...

I love Jade's haircut!!