Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Confessions of a Hairstylist

Last weekend Jade very impulsively decided she wanted a hair cut. (I wonder where she gets that from?) I, loving to cut hair, happily obliged. First, I cut all her hair to chin length. Jade took one look in the mirror and decided she wanted to go even shorter, up to the bottom of her ears. So I put her back in the chair and began cutting. I cut one side and it looked perfect, with a very nice stack in the back. I moved to the other side and continued cutting. As I moved around the curve of her head to connect the two sides, I saw it. I had made the angle on her right side significantly steeper than the one on her left, and it was off by a good inch! My stomach dropped as I tried to come up with some way to fix my horrible mistake. I wanted so badly to take her to a stylist to fix it for me, but I knew that would embarrass Jade even more than it would me. So I worked and worked, cutting it shorter and shorter, until everything was finally even. It was agonizing, but I finally made it through it. And to tell you the truth, it didn't look that bad. If fact, Jade loves it. And I guess that is all that matters. My confidence may be shaken for a while, but as Elizabeth kindly pointed out to me...even the most professional stylists make mistakes.


Tommy Craig said...

I think her hair turned out great!

Justin & Rebecca Leveille said...

Thanks Tommy! I appreciate it.

The Alesch's said...

She looks cute with short hair!