Monday, April 19, 2010

Catching Up

Playing in the rain. Finally no snow!

Loving this weather!

What a mess! Cleaning out the garden.

Determined to find a "gummy worm". (translation: earthworm)

"I love this book!"

All smiles

Celebrating Jade, Erica, and Nathan's birthdays

Party at gymnastics


Hanging around

So much has happened over the last month, I haven't had the time to catch up on it all. (Warning: I will be jumping from topic to topic.) The girls celebrated their birthdays with a few parties, one at gymnastics, one on Easter with the McGarrys (which, of course, I couldn't find the camera for) and one a week later with the Leveilles. Speaking of Easter, this was our first time hosting a holiday and I think it went fairly well for a first time. There were a few dry dishes, but at least everything was edible. The girls finished up gymnastics, which Erica has been distraught about ever since. I started taking a parenting class to help refresh my toolbox as I feel my patience has really been lacking with the girls over the last year. It is once a week and they have childcare for Erica during that time, wich she loves. We have been spending the last few weeks cleaning out our gardens in preparation for spring, but we still have a long way to go. Our latest news is that we finally have gotten our foster girl, Elizabeth. So far things are going really well. We will have more information about her soon. I am just trying to stay afloat. I can't wait until summer when things can slow down a bit.

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