Sunday, November 1, 2009

Random Moments

When we met Jade's teachers for conferences last week, the first words out of their mouths were, "Can we clone her?" She is doing fantastic in school. She got her first award at the end of the quarter for writing. She can read and write sentences and is even putting them together to create short stories. The only thing she is struggling with is getting her work done on time. Apparently, she is a people watcher and prefers to see what everyone else is doing rather than doing her work.
Jade completed her second season of soccer. She found her niche playing defense. She received many compliments throughout the season on her skills.

Erica's first real experience playing in the leaves.

Jade climbing the tree in the front yard after playing in the leaves.

Erica flexing her muscles. She must have had chocolate for snack that day.

Erica's first attempts at going potty. She has a long way to go, but we're glad she is starting to show interest. We'll be done with diapers in no time!
Not sure why these pictures keep looking so pixilated. Anyone know how to fix that?

1 comment:

The Alesch's said...

Way to go, Jade! You must be a McGarry, those smart and create genes run in the family~:-) Once you get Erica potty-trained, bring her over to train AJ, he probably won't be potty-trained until he's four!
The photo issue - It might be that the settings on your camera are set at a lower resolution than what your publishing on the blog. Not sure though.