Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmas Day

Erica and Grandpa

Erica and Uncle Ed

Sean and Kathy

Jade and Aunt Pete

Jason, Karen, and Joseph

Grandma and Great-Grandma

Beth and Brett

Santa and "the boys"

Emily, Nathan, Jade and Santa
Joel, Leighann, Tim and Baby Benjamin

"He's ready to come out!"

On Christmas day we went to Justin's parents' house for brunch. Justin was feeling better by then, so he came too. The kids got a big surprise when Grandpa called in a favor from Santa and he paid them a special visit! They were very excited to see him. In addition to the immediate family, Justin's Great Grandma, Aunt Pete, Uncle Ed, and cousins Beth and Brett joined us for brunch. It was great to see everyone, but unfortunately we passed the flu to them as well. Sorry guys! After brunch and gifts, the girls were exhausted and Justin was starting to not feel so well again. So I dropped them off and headed to my Aunt Pat's for a while. In spite of all the illness, the day was a success. My only regret was not having the traditional Christmas dinner I enjoy so much. Oh well, there's always next year.

1 comment:

Josh said...

It looks like you all had a nice Christmas. We like seeing the pictures, and Eric is so much bigger than last time we saw her!